

Tanz / Theater

Access To Dance

Ein Parcours aus Tanzperformances, Music Acts und Visuals

SYNAESTHETIX is a new, hybrid and multimedia art event as part of ACCESS TO DANCE. Movement, music, sounds, video and live generated visuals blend into an immersive experience for all the senses. New artistic alliances arise between dance performance, concert, DJ set, media art and club night. High-profile international and local artists from a wide range of disciplines take the audience on a journey into (their own) synaesthetic experience. The live acts will turn into clubbing, allowing the audience to conquer the space themselves - dancing, dreaming, eXstatic.


19.30 h Moritz Ostruschnjak + Moritz Stumm „HURRA“ (DE)
20.00 h GN | MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos „Time Takes The Time Time Takes 1“ (ES)
20.30 h Hiroaki Umeda „Intensional Particle“ (JP)
21.00 h Heinali mit u-matic & telematique „Organa Polaris“ (UA/DE)
21.45 h GN | MC Guy Nader | Maria Campos „Time Takes The Time Time Takes 2“ (ES)
22.15 h WUT Kollektiv & tps nostromo (DE)

Getting There Press Kit
