Lia Rodrigues is one of the most important artistic voices in Brazil and the dance world in general, as she always shows the hard and existentialist struggle of human coexistence in her pieces. Emotionally moving and extremely physical, with a visual language that is both impressive and multi-layered, she cleverly reflects on global issues such as man's interaction with nature, climate change, man himself as a social and at the same time asocial being, while questioning our ability to restore harmony.
The Muffatwerk has been accompanying her choreographic work for over ten years now and is delighted to be co-producing her latest work ‘Borda’ and presenting it on stage in June. In ‘Borda’, which will premiere at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in May, she deals with what divides us in both a geographical and political sense. In Portuguese, the word ‘borda’ means border, edge, boundary, barrier or threshold and deals with questions about these accordingly:
Who is allowed to cross them? Who stays? Who is excluded? Who belongs and who doesn't? Who has the right to exist? How can we take the land of our visions, longings, memories and futures with us?
Danced by and created in close collaboration with Leonardo Nunes, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey da Silva, David Abreu, Raquel Alexandre, Daline Ribeiro, João Alves, Cayo Almeida, Vitor de Abreu
Choreographic assistance: Amalia Lima
Dramaturgy: Silvia Soter
Artistic collaboration and images: Sammi Landweer
Lighting design: Nicolas Boudier
Stage management: Magali Foubert and Baptistine Méral
Produktion: Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças
Koproduktion: Le Kunstenfestivaldesarts – Brüssel / Maison de la danse, Lyon / Pôle européen de création, mit Unterstützung durch die Biennale de la danse 2025 - Chaillot - Théâtre National de la Danse - Paris / Le CENTQUATRE - Paris / Festival d’Automne à Paris / Wiener Festwochen – Wien / Festival La Batie - Comédie de Genève - Genf / Romaeuropa - Rom / Pact Zollverein – Essen / One Dance Festival -Plovdiv / Theater Freiburg / Muffatwerk - München, Passages Transfestival - Metz / Festival Perspectives – Saarbrücken, Le Parvis scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées, Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer – Berlin, mit Unterstützung durch Redes da Maré und Centro de Artes da Maré.
16.06 & 17.06
Door Time: 19:30hour Show Time: 20:30hour
Location: MuffathalleMunich
VVK € 24, erm. € 15 zzgl. Gebühren / AK € 28, erm. € 15
Organiser: Muffathalle Betriebs GmbH
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